Hack Pack

Published: by Creative Commons Licence

smiley Information Security is a moving target that needs skilled, technical, informed individuals to manage, secure, and facilitate it. In order to increase awareness and assist in broadening the understanding and skills to individuals, there is a need to create a mobile microserver that has the ability to facilitate these needs. The mobility of the microserver is a key component. Having the ability to set up a cyber security competition virtually anywhere, will allow for use by individuals from an array of backgrounds, from students in grade schools to professionals. In addition to cyber competitions, individuals will have the ability to learn by visualization and through navigating the network environment that has been set up on the microserver. This microserver will have a real world implementation of a working network having several client computers running all of the most widely used services including, mail (SMTP/POP), networking (TCP/UDP, LAN/WAN, firewall rules, iptables), different operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac), web services, SSH, VPN, and many others. With all of these virtual appliances the ability to use them and then restore them to an original state will be seamless through the use of a virtualizer such as VMware or Virtual Box.

Raspberry Pi Setup Setting up the Raspberry Pi is a simple process that everyone should try! The following steps assumes that you have downloaded a copy of a Rasbian or other OS for the Pi. Here is the link to => Rasbian download page More information and documentation can be found here along with other OS platforms that may be used.

~$ sudo apt-get update
~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
~$ sudo apt-get install -y rpi-chromium-mods
~$ sudo apt-get install -y python-sense-emu python3-sense-emu
~$ sudo apt-get install -y python-sense-emu-doc realvnc-vnc-viewer

It should be emphasized before setting up ssh, that the default creds should be modified. This is good practice and can be accomplished using the next step.

Change Password

~$ passwd

Setup SSH Helpful commands to setup SSH:

  ~$ ifconfig -a  
  # locate interface (eth0 or wlan0) and note IP =>
  # ether
  # inet
  # netmask

After you have found the IP address for the Pi, you can use the native Raspberry Pi configuration tool.

~$ sudo raspi-config
Login example using ssh:

~$ ssh root@

In order to make sure our setup does not come into conflict, it is wise to set a static IP address by editing the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:

~$ sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Locate the line:

interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
# This would be a good time to check out all of the different settings that are available in this file

Now we can set up the nginx web server and some port forwarding. In the terminal:

sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo service nginx start

From here the set up will be on you to decide what or how you want to use the Pi